Oszkodowanie za uszkdzenie kregow - co powinienes wiedziec po wypadku

You can view the English version of this article and video here: Whiplash claims - What you need to know after an RTA or car accident

Uszkodzenie kregow jest najczestszym urazem  zwiazanym z wypadkami samochodowymi.

Poniewaz zwieksza sie liczba samochodow na drogach, zwieksza sie rowniez czestosc wypadkow drogowych, ktore prowadza do urazow kregow i co za tym idzie do odszkodowan za te urazy.


Uraz kregow moze wystapic nawet przy malej kolizji, a najczestsze symptomy to:

  • bol karku
  • bol plecow ( w gornej lub dolnej czesci plecow w zaleznosci od pozycji w samochodzie podczas wypadku)
  • mrowienie
  • bole glowy

Z naszego doswiadczenia wiemy, ze symptomy uszkodzenia kregow moga wystapic dopiero po kilku dniach po wypadku. Jest to jeden z powodow dlaczego uraz kregow jest trudny do zdiagnozowania i zwykle jest po prostu ignorowany przez ofiary wypadku.

Ludzie zwykle czuja sie dobrze zaraz p wypadku. Jednak po kilku dniach zaczynaja odczuwac bole i miec problemy ze snem. To wlasnie sa symptomy urazu kregow i nie powinny byc lekcewazone. uraz kregow powinien byc leczony aby uniknac “syndromu przewleklego urazu kregow”.

“syndromu przewleklego urazu kregow” musi byc leczony przez profesjonalnego fizjoterapeute. Powrot do zdrowia trwa wtedy dluzej. Najlepszymi sposobami na wyleczenie urazu kregow sa odpoczynek i masaze. Nie powinno sie isc do szkoly lub pracy zaraz po wypadku, nawet jesli nie czuje sie jeszcze symptomow.

Cdszkodowania za urazy kregow sa przewidziane w samochodowej polisie ubezpieczeniowej, wiec jesli kiedykolwiek uczestniczysz w wypaku samochodowym powinienes jak najszybciej zglosic sie do lekarza i pozostac w domu przez kilka dni.

Jesli nie leczone, symptomy urazu kregow moga wystepowac nawet powyzej 12 miesiecy.

Pamietaj ze przysluguje ci odszkodowanie.

Wielkiej Brytanii kazdego roku firmy ubezpieczeniowe zajmuja sie ponad 400 000 przypadkow uszkodzenia kregow jesli ostatnio uczestniczyles w wypadku samochodowym skontaktuj sie z nami aby uzyskac pomoc.

Piec powodów dla których warto wybrać Accident Specialists jako swoja pomoc prawna

You can view the English version of this article and video here: Five reasons to choose Accident Specialists as your accident claims management company

Accident Specialists to firma zajmująca się pomocą przy uzyskiwaniu odszkodowań z ponad 10 letnim stażem. Specjalizujemy się w odszkodowaniach po wypadkach drogowych, wypadkach w pracy oraz bledami lekarskimi; wszystkie nasze sprawy prowadzimy w systemie No Win no Fee- co oznacza brakjakichkolwiek opłat za otwarcie bądź prowadzenie sprawy.


Jest pięć głównych cech wyróżniających Accident Specialists na tle innych firm: 

Pierwsza to sumy odszkodowań; Accident Specialists jest w stanie wywalczyć odszkodowanie wyższe nawet o 60%. Dzięki panelowi niezależnych prawników, rzeczoznawców oraz lekarzy jesteśmy wstanę wywalczyć znacznie wyższe odszkodowanie niż większość firm na rynku.

Drugą cechą jest obsługa klienta, dotychczas niespotykania przy tego typu sprawach. Naszym głównym celem jest zapewnienie jak najwyższego poziomu obsługi klienta. W Accident Specialists każdy klient traktowany jest indywidualnie, co odróżnia nasz od firm ubezpieczeniowych gdzie kwestie odszkodowań rozpatrywane są w setkach a sprawy rożna się od siebie jedynie numerami. W Accident Specialists każda sprawa prowadzona jest w indywidualnym toku przez jednego doradcę. 

Trzecia cechą jest możliwość obsługi w kilku językach.Accident Specialists zatrudnia doradców mówiących w wielu jeżykach miedzy innymi:Angielski, Portugalski, Polski, Rosyjski, Litewski, Ukraiński, Czeski, Słowacki, Urdu. Dzięki temu klienci maja pewność ze mogą swobodnie rozmawiać w swoim naturalnym języku.

Czwartą cechą jest przystępność; wiemy jak bardzo zapracowani są teraz ludzie wiec wychodząctemu naprzeciw stworzyliśmy system pozwalający na łatwe kontrolowanie przebiegu sprawy. Poza tym mamy doradców dostępnych 24/7.

Piątą cechą jest innowacyjność, jako pierwsza w Anglii firma prowadzimy Vlog w którym opisujemy krok po kroku procesy związane ze staraniem się o odszkodowanie oraz wszelkie zmiany i nowości w tym temacie.

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Whiplash claims - What you need to know after an RTA or car accident

Możesz zobaczyć angielską wersję tego artykułu i wideo tutaj: Oszkodowanie za uszkdzenie kregow - co powinienes wiedziec po wypadku

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries related to an RTA or car accident. Whiplash as an injury was originally linked to train collisions, mainly because in the 1920’s the amount of vehicles on the road was significantly lower. Trains were the key type of transport for cargo and people and the first case of whiplash as an injury was officially reported in 1919 after a train collision.

Obviously nowadays we are traveling more often and much quicker that in the early 20th century. This increases the chances of an RTA and whiplash can occur even in a small collision leading whiplash and more whiplash claims. Common symptoms of whiplash are:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain (lower back or upper back pain depending on your position in the vehicle at the time of the car accident)
  • Pins and needles
  • Headaches

Due to our experience in whiplash claims we know that whiplash symptoms can appear after the RTA or in the next few days. That is one of the reasons why whiplash is difficult to diagnose and is usually simply ignored by RTA victims, at least at first. People usually feel fine right after the car accident. But over the next few days they may start to feel a pain (usually in morning or late evening), feel unwell or develop a sleep disorder. Those are the symptoms of whiplash and they should not be ignored as whiplash ought to be treated in order avoid ‘chronic whiplash syndrome’. Chronic whiplash syndrome will need to be treated by a specialist physiotherapist and the recovery process is much longer than if you were to recover from whiplash that is treated effectively straight after a car accident. The best forms of treatments for whiplash are rest and massages.

Because of the nature of whiplash injury people involved in a car accident should not go to school or work after the accident even if they do not feel any symptoms as yet. After an RTA we usually advise our clients to take three days off their main duties and then to return to school or work whilst continuing with their whiplash treatment and whiplash claims.

Whiplash injuries and claims are covered by motor insurance policies, so if you are ever involved in a car accident, you need to get yourself seen by a doctor right away and have a few days’ rest. If gone untreated whiplash symptoms can stay with you for over 12 months. Note you may be entitled to compensation as whiplash is a real injury. In the UK insurance companies are dealing with over 400,000 whiplash claims every year.


If you have recently had a car accident or type of RTA, talk to us about how we can help you with whiplash claims. Contact us today.


Five reasons to choose Accident Specialists as your accident claims management company

Możesz zobaczyć angielską wersję tego artykułu i wideo tutaj: Piec powodów dla których warto wybrać Accident Specialists jako swoja pomoc prawna

Accident Specialists is an accident claims management company with over 10 years of experience. We specialise in handling no win no fee accident claims for people from all communities across the UK. We are a nationwide company, working on accident claims across the UK. We currently have branches in Peterborough, Nottingham, London and Corby.

We can help you with the majority of accident claims including claims for a car accident (RTA’s or Road Traffic Accidents) or an accident at work. The main differences between how we handle accident claims and how an insurance company handles accident claims are the compensation levels and customer service.


1. Higher compensation levels for accident claims

Due to our panel of independent solicitors, engineers and medical agencies we are usually able to get you up to 60% more in compensation.

2. Proven customer service in how we handle accident claims

Our main goal is to provide the best possible service. We spend time with each and every client, treating them as individuals. In comparison insurance companies are are dealing with 1000s of accident claims and clients each day and your experience with them is likely to be totally different.

3. Easy access to accident claims information

We appreciate that you are busy and that an update on your claim needs to be easily accessible. You can ask for an update at any time during office hours and you can also ring our 24/7 helpline for an answer to any kind of query. Another option is to visit our website where you can go through our Frequently Asked Question or read the Accident Specialists blog for tips and advice.

4. Multi lingual accident claims account handlers

We have staff speaking a wide range of languages. This ensures we can provide the same level of accident claims services to all our clients regardless of what language they speak. We speak English, Portuguese, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian and Urdu. We are confident that no other accident claims company can offer you this service. They can offer you a translator, but in a long run, speaking to a different person each time is not the same as having your own personal accident claims handler who speaks your language.

5. Accident claims video blog series

Finally, to take our customer service levels to an even higher level, from now on we are launching the Accident Specialists’ Video Blog series which will be available in different languages.  Every other week you can expect new video related to accident claims hints and tips to go live on our website and YouTube channel. Once again, that is totally unique in UK market.


If this is still not convincing enough for you, take a look at what people have said about us. We look forward to working with you so contact us today!


Accidents in public places and at work.

Following the UK law, workplace needs to be insured in case of any accidents. Workplace must have public liability insurance; this type of insurance covers employees as well as customers.


The easiest example can be slip on spilled water in supermarket. During daily shopping you haven’t seen water on a floor and slipped on it; due to the accident you have swollen ankle and you have to take few weeks off work.

Public liability insurance covers you in this case. You can be entitled to make a claim against supermarket for not keeping shop floor safe.

 Even if you are not employee and you haven’t paid for the insurance you are covered by supermarket policy. This applies to all public places in UK.




As an employee you are covered by the same policy. Once you entered your workplace, public liability insurance covers you against any accidents.


Another easy example, lets say that you are working in a factory on busy production site, lots of people and machinery; one of fork lift driver accidentally hit you. On this case fork lift driver doesn’t need insurance to use fork lift on side because all workplace is covered by liability insurance. Therefore you are not claiming against the person, you are using insurance policy in place.

   In this case you are entitled to get a compensation for all losses i.e. time off work, and all medication/therapy needed for full recovery.



Before you make a claim for accident in public place you need to make sure that you have reported the accident (usually to site manager) and if it’s possible get a witness details. In this case you are making a claim against insurance company, not the shop managers. That is the reason why you will need as many evidence as possible. Shop staff can be very friendly and admits liability but it’s the insurance company that pay the compensation, and like majority of insurance companies, they will not be willing to do it “just like that”.


Claim after accident at work is slightly less complicated; workplace must have site managers, supervisors and trained first-aiders. After the accident firs-aider is usually the firs person that will see the injury and talk to you (it is very important to say how the accident actually happened). After receiving first aid depending on injuries you can go to hospital, home or in best cases continue to work.

Regardless of the nature of accident and how serious it was manager will be responsible for making a report, this report can be very important. Once you will be able to come back to work your manager should give you a copy of the report to check and sign; ALWAYS make sure that content of the report is correct.


Process of making claim in both of those cases is very similar to road traffic accident (check it in previous blog), you will need to find a medical agency and solicitor firm.

Medical agency will be responsible for preparing the report and solicitors will be responsible for preparing all required documents, contacting the 3rd party and updating you on regular basis. 

Hire Vehicles

If you were involved in accident that was not your fault; and your vehicle is un-roadworthy (meaning that you can not legally use it on public roads) you should be entitled to get a hire vehicle.


Insurance companies are offering free hire vehicle for time of repairs but usually client gets a small KA/C1 kind of car. Regardless of your vehicle, insurance company will provide you with the vehicle they have. It can be a problematic because if in daily basis you are using 7-seater (i.e. to drop you children to school) you will not be able to do it in a small car like C1/KA.   

Accident Specialists Ford KA.jpg


Insurance companies are keeping and maintaining large fleet of vehicles, and majority of insurance companies are trying to keep the cost generated by the fleet on a lower possible level. Easiest way of doing it is ordering a large amount of the same smallest possible cars (cheap to buy, cheap to maintain, cheap to insure)


Claims management companies are working slightly different; some of those companies are offering “like for like vehicle” which means that you will be provided with same vehicle that you own. Claims management company like Accident Specialists main target is to provide best possible service on market. To be able to do it in terms of providing hire vehicle, fleet of vehicles available for clients needs to be wider.


By providing “like for like” vehicle we know that your losses are minimised; if you are driving Range Rover we will provide you with a Range Rower, not a small KA.



To be able to get a free hire vehicle you can needs to be unroadworthy, which mean that without immediate repairs it can not be used on public roads. Usually when one of the lights isn’t working, sharp parts are visible or registration number is not visible vehicle can not be used without repairs.

Experienced claim consultant can tell straight away if client is entitled to get a hire vehicle. Accident Specialists are providing vehicle at the day of making a claim; by doing this we know that client’s losses are minimized.


Hire vehicle should be free of any charges. Client should get a clean and insured vehicle; Accident Specialists are also giving out vehicles with full tanks.

This shows again that most of insurance companies are working for their shareholders instead of clients. Costs of buying and maintaining a fleet of wide range cars is much more expensive but its an absolute necessity for top level customer service

Making a compensation claim chapter 1

In United Kingdom RTA is most common type of accident. Number of road traffic accidents is constantly increasing; as well as number of cars registered. Good news is the fact that people involved in RTA’s are facing lower injuries, mainly because cars are equipped in new safety technologies. Cars are getting safer and safer but it’s not possible to reduce injuries to 0; people are still going to be hurt in accidents.

Accident Specialists UK taffic


 According to UK law people involved in Road Traffic Accidents can make a compensation claim if they were not responsible for the accident. Process of making a claim is complicated and time consuming; that is why we can see constant growth in claims management market. Number of claims management companies still rises, but not all companies are dealing with claims on a professional level. Key factors in managing claim are knowledge and experience.


The whole process of making a compensation claim can be divided into a few points which I will describe in this post.


Accident Specialists collision

One of most important information required for making a claim is Third Party registration number; Third party is a person who caused the accident. Registration number lets insurance company track personal details of person responsible for causing the accident.


You need to report your accident with 3rd party registration number to your insurance company; after that you should start to look for engineer who will inspect your car and describe and value damages. Engineer will calculate costs of repairs required to get your vehicle back to a pre-accident state.


It is very important to use qualified engineer because Engineer Report is key document in making a Vehicle Damages claim. We can see large amount of companies offering that kind of service but the main issue with most of those companies is lack of experience in making that kind of reports. It is very important to value damages correctly because insurance companies will not accept amended report.

Accident Specialists engineer


Cost of making engineer reports varies between £120 and £200 and this cost can be recovered.


After finding and engineer you will need to find yourself an alternative transport or courtesy car. Insurance companies are not paying out in advance so your vehicle will be off road for at least 2-3 weeks.

Accident Specialists IQ


Once you get engineer report, you need to forward it to the insurance company and then chase them up on regular basis (insurance companies are not working for the client, those companies are working towards shareholders targets).


So far we went through about 30% of all work required to make a compensation claim. This shows how complicated the process is so in next post I will write more about next steps.

If you decided that you need a help with your claim or you want to let us do all the work give me a call any-time on 01733 555774, send an email to:


london@accidentspecialistsltd.co.uk ,



or visit our website


Whiplash as a common accident injury.

Whiplash is one of the most common injury in all kind of traffic accidents. Whiplash as an injury was usually linked to train collisions, mainly because in 1920’s the amount of vehicles on roads was very limited. Trains were key type of transport of cargo as well as people. First case of whiplash injury was officially reported in 1919 after train collision.


Common symptoms of whiplash are neck and back pain; it can be lower back as well as upper (depending on position in vehicle during the accident); pins and needles and headaches. Whiplash symptoms can appear after the accidents or in next few days. That is one of the reasons why whiplash is difficult to diagnosis and simply ignored by RTA victims. People are usually feeling fine after the accident but after few days they start to feel a pain (usually in morning or late evening), having a sleep disorder or just start to feel unwell. Those are the symptoms of whiplash and they can not be ignored.


Whiplash needs to be treated to avoid “chronic whiplash symptom”. Best forms of treatments are rest and massages.

Because of nature of injury people involved in accident should not go to school/work after the accident even if they can not feel any symptoms yet; we usually advise our clients to take 3 days off their main duties and after those 3 days going back to work/school or continuing the treatment.


It is very important to treat the whiplash injury because it can lead to chronic whiplash syndrome that needs to be treated by specialist physiotherapist. Recovery process from chronic whiplash is much longer than getting recovered from treated whiplash.


Whiplash injuries are covered by motor insurance policies, so if you were involved in accident, you need to get yourself seen by doctor and have a few days rest. Untreated whiplash symptoms can stay for over 12 months. Also you may be entitled to compensation as whiplash is real injury. In UK insurance companies are dealing with over 400,000 cases each year.


Accident Specialists is a market leader in free claims management providing service and help in all aspects of making a claim.


Accident Specialists Blog

                        This is a quick explanation of who we are and what we do. 

Accident Specialists is a claims management company with over 13 years of experience on managing RTA (road traffic accidents), accidents at work and medical negligence.

Accident Specialists Logo.jpg


Over the years we have realised that there are only few sources of information for people who are interesting in claim process. To make it easier we have decided to start our own Accident Specialists blog. As an experienced business owner I know what sort of information my clients were looking for, and how to say it making sure it is easy to understand.   


We are aiming to create a good source of information by gathering all updates and changes in claims regulations, explaining clearly and deeply all aspects of making a claim. I will try to use a simple casual language, so it will not be as difficult as reading a specialists press but I will keep the quality up to standard.


Hopefully this blog will be a source of answers for your questions and solutions to the problems that may occur with claim process.