Claims for accidents at work
If you have had an accident at work you may be able to claim compensation for the injury and any loss that you have suffered, including loss of earnings. Your employer must by law have insurance to cover this. Therefore, it is the insurance company, not your employer who will have to pay any compensation you are awarded.
The 5 step process for accidents at work claims
- Within 24 hours we provide a completely free assessment and feedback of accidents at work claims. The accident at work needs assessment considers personal injury, loss of earnings and accident related costs
- Within 4-6 weeks a member of our team will attend a medical assessment with you
- Once the medical reports are raised, processed by the solicitor and approved by you (with the help of our team), the third party has 21 days to issue an offer
- If the work accident claim is disputed then our team continues to work on your behalf managing the dispute
- Work accident claims funds are released within 4 weeks of an offer being made. You will receive 75% of the claim as 25% goes to the solicitors who pay our team an agreed fee. Read more about fees.