Make a successful claim
The best way to make accident claims is to come in and talk to us. Visit us at our Lincoln Road office in Peterborough. Use the forms below to ensure you bring all the required information so we can advise you effectively.
If you can't make it to our offices you can complete the car or work accident claim form below. We'll get back to you in 24 hours.
Accident Specialists Head office
249 Lincoln Road
T: 01733 555774 F:01733 555979
Out of hours/Emergency: 07815 732793
If you have an accident that is not your fault this is the 8 step process we will follow:
A completely free assessment of your case and feedback within 24 hours. The assessment considers personal injury, loss of earnings, excess, vehicle damage and accident related costs
Immediate vehicle recovery service and like for like vehicle hire within 24 hours (if applicable)
Vehicle inspection where and when it suits you within 7 days
95% of the time we can arrange cash in lieu from the third party insurer, so you can quickly get your car back on the road
A member of our team will attend a medical assessment with you within 4-6 weeks
Once the medical and vehicle reports are raised, processed by the Solicitor and approved by you (with the help of our team), the third party has 21 days to issue an offer.
If the claim is disputed then our team continues to work on your behalf, managing the dispute.
When an offer is made, funds are released within 4 weeks. You will receive 75% of the claim as 25% goes to the Solicitors, who pay our team an agreed fee.
Work accident claim form
If you have an accident at work that is not your fault this is the 5 step process we will follow:
Accident and needs assessment that considers personal injury, loss of earnings and accident related costs
A member of our team will attend a medical assessment with you within 4-6 weeks
Once the medical report is raised, processed by the Solicitor and approved by you (with the help of our team), the third party has 21 days to issue an offer.
If the claim is disputed then our team continues to work on your behalf, managing the dispute.
When an offer is made, funds are released within 4 weeks. You will receive 75% of the claim as 25% goes to the Solicitors, who pay our team an agreed fee.